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The News Site of Garden State Scholastic Press Association


The News Site of Garden State Scholastic Press Association


The News Site of Garden State Scholastic Press Association



How can we help?

The new school year is coming fast. To get ready, take advantage of  the Garden State Scholastic Press Association, a resource for advisers of high school and middle school publications, as well as for student journalists and editors.

Our first big event of the school year is Fall Press Day at Rutgers University, Monday, Oct. 25. The keynote speaker, Dr. Renee Hobbs of Temple University’s renowned Media Education Lab, will speak on the rights of students and teachers when it comes to Copyright.

Stay tuned for more information. Brochures should be in advisers’ mailboxes as they return to school.

The GSSPA offers scholarships for students, contests and critiques for both newspapers and yearbooks, conferences & workshops for students and advisers, and much, much more.

Not a Member?
To find out more about what we offer, we have more detailed information about the organization on our About GSSPA page. Or go right to our Membership page and become a member!